Curso "International Labour Standards for Judges, Lawers and Legal Educators"

El Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT dictará el curso "International Labour Standards for Judges, Lawers and Legal Educators" del 30 de agosto al 10 de setiembre de 2010 en Turín - Italia


El Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT dictará el curso: "International Labour Standards for Judges, Lawers and Legal Educators", el cual se realizará del 30 de agosto al 10 de setiembre de 2010 en Turín - Italia

Objectives: General objective

The main objective of the course is to equip law professionals with the knowledge that will enable them to use international labour law sources at national level.

Specific objectives

At the end of this training, participants will:

have an in-depth knowledge of the instruments and supervisory machinery of the ILS system; be able to use the analysis and pronouncements of the ILO's supervisory bodies that provide an in-depth understanding of the scope and meaning of ILS; be able to determine when and how do mestic judges and lawyers can use international labour law to solve labour disputes; be able to identify and make use of ILS in key areas such as freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, non-discrimination in employment and occupation, child labour, termination of employment, determination of the existence of employment relationships, and relevant international labour instruments on HIV/AIDS and the world of work.

Structure and content

The course structure is based on the premise that participants are already versed in legal concepts and thinking. To enable participants to use the sources of international labour law at national level, the course will cover the following:

  • general presentation of the ILS system: main
  • characteristics of ILO standards; the ILS procedures
  • from international drafting to national application;
  • when and how domestic judges and lawyers can use
  • international labour law;
  • the work of the ILO's supervisory bodies and its
  • relevance to domestic judges and lawyers;
  • the content of ILS on freedom of association and the
  • right to collective bargaining;
  • the content of ILS on equality in employment and occupation;
  • the content of ILS on child labour;
  • the content of ILS on termination of employment;
  • the content of ILS on determination of the existence
  • of employment relationships;
  • relevant international texts on HIV/AIDS and the world of work.

Flyer in English: EN_Flyer.pdf 

Descargar Formulario aquí

Los interesados en participar, deberán completar el formulario adjunto y remitirlo antes del 12 de julio a:

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