
Who are we?

This space is made up of young industrials and entrepreneurs under 40 who represent our regional and sectorial chambers. The young area of UIA was born in October 2012 through a decision of our authorities, who decided to promote generational integration and foster the training of the future industrial managers, through instances of dialogue and institutional support. The young men and women who make up this federal collective search, through the articulation and combination of debates and ideas, the setting of parameters that contribute to the consolidation of a society developed at every level: productive, economic, political, cultural and educational.


To train the future officials of UIA according to the values of the institution and create an appropriate space to accompany the development of young industrials and entrepreneurs in Argentina.


CTo consolidate the members of the space as leaders of the new generations of industrial officials in order to strengthen the national industry and productive development.


  • Safeguard the interests of UIA.

  • Develop the abilities of young men and women in order for them to become future officials of UIA and its plenary institutions, facilitating the transmission of knowledge.

  • Foster the birth and development of new companies, through the creation of bonds with peer institutions in other countries and the participation in international forums, thus spreading the Argentine industrial ideals.

  • Boost the abilities of young entrepreneurs by promoting industrial culture.

  • Coordinate the representation of the young with the actions of UIA, fostering intergenerational, territorial and sectorial dialogue.

  • Engage in dialogue and cooperation with other young actors in civil society.

  • Facilitate the Access to programs and services, both governmental and prívate, to foster the growth and development of Argentine industry.


Organizational structure

Young UIA has a Board of Representatives that gathers the young industrials appointed by their respective chambers and elects the authorities for a two-year period.

Sectorial chambers represented on the board:

Asociación de Fabricantes de Automotores (ADEFA)
Asociación de Fabricantes de Celulosa y Papel (AFCP)
Asociación de Fabricantes de Cemento Portland (AFCP)
Asociación de Fábricas Argentinas de Componentes (AFAC)
Asociación de Fábricas Argentinas Terminales de Electrónica (AFARTE)
Asociación de Industriales Metalúrgicos de la República Argentina (ADIMRA)
Cámara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros (CAEM)
Cámara Argentina de Especialidades Medicinales (CAEME)
Cámara Argentina de la Industria Cinematográfica (CAIC)
Cámara Argentina de la Industria del Aluminio y Metales Afines (CAIAMA)
Cámara Argentina de Productoras Independientes de Televisión (CAPIT)
Cámara Argentina del Acero (CAA)
Cámara de Industriales de Productos Alimenticios (CIPA)
Cámara de la Industria Argentina del Software (CESSI)
Camara de la Industria de Artìculos de Librería (CIAL)
Cámara de la Industria de la Pintura (CIP)
Cámara de la Industria del Calzado (CIC)
Cámara de la Industria del Juguete (CAIJ)
Cámara de la Industria del Plástico (CAIP)
Cámara de la Industria del Tabaco (CIT)
Cámara de la Industria Química y Petroquímica (CIQYP)
Cámara Eólica Argentina (CEA)
Cámara Industrial Argentina de la Indumentaria (CIAI)
Cámara Industrial de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos Argentinos (CILFA)
Coordinadora de las Industrias de Productos Alimenticios (COPAL)
Federación Argentina de la Industria Gráfica y Afines (FAIGA)
Federación Argentina de la Industria Maderera (FAIMA)
Federación Argentina de la Industria Molinera (FAIM)
Federación de Industrias Textiles Argentinas (FITA)
Federación de la Industria Naval Argentina (FINA)
Federación de las Industrias de Productos Alimenticios y Afines (FIPAA)

Regional chambers represented on the board:

Asociación de Industriales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (ADIBA)
Asociacion de Industriales de Neuquén (ADINEU)
Cámara Industrial de Puerto Madryn (CIMA)
Federación Industrial de Santa Fe (FISFE)
Unión de las Industrias Riojanas (UNIR)
Unión Industrial de Córdoba (UIC)
Unión Industrial de Entre Ríos (UIER)
Unión Industrial de Jujuy (UIJ)
Unión Industrial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (UICBA)
Unión Industrial de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UIPBA)
Unión Industrial de la Provincia de Corrientes (UICORR)
Unión Industrial de Mendoza (UIM)
Unión Industrial de Salta (UIS)
Unión Industrial de San Juan (UISJ)
Unión Industrial de San Luis (UISL)
Unión Industrial de Santiago del Estero (UISDE)
Unión Industrial de Tucumán (UIT)

Partners of Young UIA:

Acindar/Grupo Arcelor Mittal
Grupo Newsan
Grupo Techint
Unitech Blue


  • Tomás Karagozián

    President (UNIR)

  • Marysol Rodríguez

    Secretary (UICBA)

  • Agustina Schcolnik

    Treasurer (AFCP)

  • Maria Furtado

    Deputy Secretary (COPAL)

  • Román Guajardo

    Deputy Treasurer (FISFE)

  • Micaela Taboada

    Vice regional (UISJ)

  • Natalia Pasquale

    Vice regional (UIC)

  • Eugenia Lo Bruno

    Vice regional (UISDE)

  • Luciana Blasucci

    Vice regional (UIPBA)

  • Silvana Roitmann

    Vice regional (UIER)

  • Jorge Karagozlu

    Vice sectorial (FITA)

  • Jorge Scian

    Vice sectorial (ADIMRA)

  • Oliver Maltz

    Vice sectorial (CAIP)

  • Tamara Krell

    Vice sectorial (CAA)

  • Josefina Azpiroz Costa

    Department Coordinator